User Reviews

Matthew Beardsley | Baukunst Co | Bozeman, MT

Reviews (5)
As a customer of Matthew Beardsley | Baukunst Co | Bozeman, MT , you can write, submit & share your experience and opinions about this construction or renovation company, about their services, prices, etc. Your review will become a very useful information for other visitors. All reviews will be verified by moderators at Constr-US.Com.

stay away from this cowboy
My opinion is this builder is in over his head. Buffoonish behaviors on our job site, threats and primal screams. He was out of control and appears to have serious issues. Not organized and poor quality workmanship. Full of self justifications for everything that was not done right and charged for many of the punch-list items. Finally he was so overwhelmed he walked away without completing the job and still had the nerve to charge for issues outside of the scope of the contract. He does not have the financial wherewithal to correct his mistakes and he made big ones. My advice is to stay away.

Stay away from this cowboy
We found this builder to be incompetent and disorganized. His behavoir was buffoonish and he had a very angry attitude. He was not trustworthy.

stay away from this company
In my opinion this builder is incompetent, disorganized and unethical. he was not financially capable of fixing his mistakes and he made some large ones. He walked away from the job before completion. His memory is extremely poor and he was not respected by the subcontractors on the job. Do yourself a favor and paas on this one.

Stay Away
My opinion is that this builder is incompetent and unethical. He was forgetful in the extreme on our build with very sloppy work which we are in the process of redoing. He does not take ownership of his mistakes and did not follow proper procedures on siding insulation, used the wrong product for the roofing both issues leaving us without a warranty. He left his footprints in wet cement all over the garage. It was one nightmare after another with this builder. He walked away without finishing the job. He is a master however of the double talk and blaming everyone else for his mistakes and shortcomings. My advice is to stay away from this guy.

avoid this builder
In my opinion he is an incompetent builder. He ended up walking away from the job before it was complete. Has a bad memory. He justified his mistakes and then refused to correct them and would not complete the punch list issues. Installed the wrong roofing with a product that does not have a warranty. Did not follow best practices with insulation or siding. This builder is a nightmare. Avoid at all costs.

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