User Reviews

Flinn Paving Co | Omaha, NE, 68106

Reviews (1)
As a customer of Flinn Paving Co | Omaha, NE, 68106 , you can write, submit & share your experience and opinions about this construction or renovation company, about their services, prices, etc. Your review will become a very useful information for other visitors. All reviews will be verified by moderators at Constr-US.Com.

Rocks/sand flew out of their truck T 18 US DOT 073796 plates 7-1203A and XNL 681, leaving 3 different rock chips/cracks in my windshield. Extremely rude customer service for starts, they are dishonest and clearly don't care about safety nor regulations. I will be filing a police report, and you guys can acknowledge and take care of it that way.

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