User Reviews

Randy Flick | A & A Sealcoating & Striping | Wisconsin Rapids, WI

Reviews (1)
As a customer of Randy Flick | A & A Sealcoating & Striping | Wisconsin Rapids, WI , you can write, submit & share your experience and opinions about this construction or renovation company, about their services, prices, etc. Your review will become a very useful information for other visitors. All reviews will be verified by moderators at Constr-US.Com.

A & A workers were at our neighbors house on Lake Camelot, on Cranbrook Court on Wednesday July 1, 2020. They put their sign on our property, and tied the ribbon to block the driveway onto our mailbox.

My husband and I asked them to remove both, showing them the property line, and they were quite rude. A taller young man with blonde hair said, "Oh big deal. That little bitty sign is really gonna hurt your lawn," and also "Really? You gotta get all weird about that?!" And then muttered "Some people."

It was rude and unprofessional. A simple "I didn't realize that was your property. I will move it." would have sufficed. If their staff cannot behave to people in the area that that they are working, it is a very bad reflection on their company.

I share this to make sure no one has to endure this bad behavior and treatment. I would not use a company who allows behavior like this.

Their response to my claim was, "You go right ahead and complain away. Nobody will listen to a whiner like you anyway."

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